About us

A Team Built Around a Love of Music

Band kids at heart, the Varsity Music team strives to help musicians elevate their preparation and performance by bringing technological innovation into the music industry. We stand by our core values: transparency, innovation, musicality, and continuous-improvement in every aspect of our business. Varsity Music is dedicated to creating harmony between music and technology by expanding the possibilities for musicians and developing new tools for teaching music.

Our Members

Jacob Schmieder

-Founder and CEO

While Jacob’s educational background was in biochemistry, his passion for music led him to the lights. Each year, the Cyclone Marching Band at Iowa State performs at Stephen’s Auditorium and shows off all of the outstanding work that they have put in over the course of their marching season. To begin the CMB’s portion of the performance, the drumline rises from the orchestra pit with the lights out. As they rise, playing their cadences, the drums light up with each hit. Naturally, the crowd lights up, creating one of the most special environments that a musician can feel. Sitting in the top of the auditorium with his trumpet, Jacob thought to himself, “I need one of those for my horn.”

By working closely with the resources at Iowa State, Jacob set out to create lights that could be put on any instrument that were able to change color in response to playing a different note. Through some hard work, lots of time coding and testing, and plenty of meetings with peers and mentors, he was able to build what he set out to create.

As he has moved forward, the product became more applicable than he had ever imagined. It has the power to act as a teaching tool for young musicians, just beginning their musical journey. It can be a way for freelance musicians to engage their audiences in ways that weren’t possible before, and to help them make the most out of their performances. It can act as something to reignite a passion for music as a gift, or personal buy. The brand we set out to create can be whatever you make of it, so long as you have the creativity to apply it.

Logan TeKolste

-Marketing Director and Director of Educational Applications

Logan is studying Music Education at Iowa State University with the goal to teach band in Iowa. She is a member of the Horn Studio and has participated in many ensembles at Iowa State including Wind Ensemble, Brass Quintet, Horn Quartet, Symphony Orchestra, and the Cyclone Marching Band.

When Logan first heard of Jacob’s idea to put lights on instruments, she immediately recognized the educational value lights could offer and could not wait to get involved. A member of the inaugural cohort of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Innovation and Entrepreneurship Academy, Logan believes innovation in education can be found not just in the methods used by teachers, but also in the creativity of the students.

Nathaniel Paskach

-Chief Systems Engineer

Nathan Paskach is an Iowa State University undergraduate student studying Computer Engineering. He is interested in embedded system design and low-level programming. Nathan has built many personal projects in his free time including a scientific calculator, a full-sized stand-up arcade machine, and a go-kart. He joined Varsity Music to design circuitry for the instrument lights and is excited to be the Chief Systems Engineer developing instrument lights and other future innovations.

Sam Lavin

-Chief Software Engineer

Sam is a senior in Computer Engineering with minors in Music and Music Technology at Iowa State University. They work in the recording studio for the Department of Music and Theatre, and is also the Production Director at 88.5 KURE Ames Alternative. When Jacob approached them about getting involved with the development of sound-reactive lights, Sam was immediately intrigued by the idea. They have always had a passion for both music and technology and is excited to be apart of bringing the two together.

Jack Evans

-Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Jack graduated from Iowa State University with a B.S. in mechanical engineering and an M.B.A. One of Jack’s passion is for designing and manufacturing innovative products. He works with custom 3-D printers and likes to take on design projects in his free time. Jack is excited to be a part of the Varsity Music team and continues to find ways to solve new problems in the music world.

As a musician, Jack was a member of the ISUCF’V’MB for four years as a sousaphone player. Jack also traveled with the men’s and women’s basketball teams with the pep band. In his free time Jack enjoys learning how to play his f-tuba and solos by one of his favorite tuba artists; Øystein Baadsvik.

A passion for music, performance, and education.